How Klara Papper uses Winningtemp to get a holistic view of their employee experience

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How Klara Papper uses Winningtemp to get a holistic view of their employee experience

The accounting firm Klara Papper has been using Winningtemp for nearly a year to get a clear understanding of their employees’ views towards the company, their duties, and expectations.

“Winningtemp has really helped our managers with their leadership.” says Magnus Ramfelt, CEO for Klara Papper. “It’s a tangible way of finding out what we’re doing right and where corrective actions might be needed.”

Before Klara Papper began using Winningtemp, they had no idea how much it would facilitate HR administration. The company’s CEO, Magnus Ramfelt, heard about the employee experience tool via LinkedIn and decided to give it a try. The reason behind the decision was that the management’s perception of its employees’ engagement does not always conform to reality, and Winningtemp’s intuitive platform offered a more accurate picture of how things really are.

“With Winningtemp, we can verify whether our understanding of how staff members are feeling is actually true”, says Maria Bjurström Rosén, administrative manager at Klara Papper. “We had no specific problems in our mind, but it was more of a matter of wanting to know whether things were as good as we thought. But the tool also reveals many other aspects of our company. It has surpassed our expectations. Now I wonder how we ever got by without it.”

People-first culture

Klara Papper’s fundamental values are “security, development, and commitment.” With Winningtemp, companies can concretely measure how their key values are perceived and adopted. From the very beginning, the response rate from employees has been nearly 100 per cent. According to Maria, it is because the employees like the platform and have seen that their responses lead to actions.

“Now we know precisely how employees are feeling, week-by-week. If we’ve taken a particular initiative or been busier than usual, we could see exactly how the actions were perceived. The tool also made it that much easier to know what we are going to talk about during performance appraisals. Every organisation benefits from knowing exactly how their employees feel about their workplace.”

Better employee interaction

Winningtemp has a wide range of pre-formulated questions that form the foundation for different “temperature measurements,” but there is also the option of writing your own surveys. Employees can respond quickly with smileys ranging from positive to negative, and if deemed necessary, they can even write an anonymous comment.

“Our employees’ response rate has increased. They’re starting to notice that the comments lead to action. That means that more people feel connected and committed to the company. Two weeks ago, we had a one-day conference, and afterwards, I sent out specific questions about what the employees thought about the event. Every time we use Winningtemp like that, I appreciate how good it really is!”

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With a focus on people

If you are interested in learning more about how Winningtemp can help your organization, please contact our sales team.

Hear about our product

The best way to learn how Winningtemp can take your engagement to the next level is to watch our demo.
With Winningtemp, we can verify whether our understanding of how the staff members are feeling is actually true. The tool also reveals many other aspects of our company. It has surpassed our expectations. Now I wonder how we ever got by without it!

The Challenge

The results


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Peer-to-peer praise

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Peer-to-peer praise

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