Prisjakt increases employee engagement with Winningtemp

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Prisjakt increases employee engagement with Winningtemp

Winningtemp helps Prisjakt to be a highly engaged organisation

Winningtemp has been an invaluable tool for Prisjakt for more than three years. With continuous follow-ups, they capture crucial insights and “record the organisation’s temperature” so to speak, to determine its health and condition.

“It’s like anatomy,” says Linus Jonkman, HR manager at Prisjakt. “The organisation is our body, and Winningtemp is our nervous system. With Winningtemp, we can notice if, for example, there is a sudden pain in hand, and we can react in time.”

Prisjakt has over 200 employees in six offices in Ängelholm, Malmö, Stockholm, Oslo, London, and Krakow. The human resources manager is Linus Jonkman, one of Sweden’s leading human resources lecturers who have also written seven books on the subject. In three years, Prisjakt has increased engagement among its employees from 43% to 72%, while the average for businesses is about 30%. Also, there is a definite connection between employee engagement and increase in sales.

“I see the organisation as a big amoeba, and we are the ones responsible for keeping it healthy,” says Linus Jonkman. “This applies to everything from being clean to personal development. Our employees should like to come to work because it is only then that we can establish engagement.”

Linus Jonkman

Transforming existing employee surveys

The traditional way of measuring how an organisation is doing is by bulk-sending employee surveys once a year. These age-old processes lack tools and resources to deal with the areas that need improvement. Winningtemp, on the other hand, is a repository of relevant, trigger-based questions produced in consultation with individual organisations. These questions are chosen using unique computer intelligence that adapts them to the “temperature” of the organisation.

“It’s easy to answer with a positive/negative smiley, but you can also write more if you want,” says Linus Jonkman. “Total transparency is important to us at Prisjakt, which is why anyone can log in and see how the teams are doing. Winningtemp also provides an attractive visual overview that makes it easy to understand. “

Praise creates a culture of feedback

Another vital feature of Winningtemp that Prisjakt loves is the ability to praise one another. The compliments you receive can be seen by everyone on the team and are displayed as medals. A playful and creative way of giving each other feedback.

“Gamification is an area that is in its infancy in human resources,” Linus points out. “But I think it’s incredibly exciting. It can be about using gamification within the areas the organisation needs to further develop, but also as an important cultural bearer. “

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With a focus on people

If you are interested in learning more about how Winningtemp can help your organization, please contact our sales team.

Hear about our product

The best way to learn how Winningtemp can take your engagement to the next level is to watch our demo.
It's like anatomy. The organisation is our body, and Winningtemp is our nervous system. With Winningtemp, we can notice if, for example, there is a sudden pain in hand, so we can react in time.

The Challenge

The results


Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

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