Wästbygg enhances corporate culture in the construction industry with Winningtemp

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Wästbygg enhances corporate culture in the construction industry with Winningtemp

The construction industry has dealt with controversies in Sweden when it comes to corporate culture. The controversies are characterised by issues of equal treatment and gender equality. Wästbygg, one of Sweden's largest construction and project development companies, has taken a holistic approach regarding its corporate culture and is focusing on improvements with Winningtemp.

Wästbygg's vision is to improve people's lives by designing and building attractive living spaces, as well as commercial and public sector properties. Anders Jansson has served as the HR manager at Wästbygg for over two years and is witnessing a changing industry.

“The construction industry has been under considerable pressure for a long time, with a large turnover of staff and extreme project volumes. We're an organisation that's growing, so right now, my focus is on leadership and corporate culture development. The goal is to create better workplaces and deliver favourable employee experiences. It's about everything from who we attract, to how we onboard new employees and how we hone the skills of our staff. "

The role of HR manager at Wästbygg includes helping strengthen the business by creating the right working conditions for employees and making the management team a better employer. To succeed with this, relevant data needed to be gathered to find out what the employees think about the working environment, leadership, and how management lives up to employees' expectations. Anders' first job when he started at Wästbygg was to select an appropriate employee experience management tool.

Improved skills development

Traditional employee surveys consist of basic questionnaires focused on specific issues. These lacked group-wide data and relevant follow-up questions. When selecting a new tool, Winningtemp was the apparent option, owing to the fact that its intuitive system can measure and collect data continuously, automatically and in real-time. Also, because the foundation of Winningtemp is based on research, it has a high degree of credibility. For Anders, it was also important that the tool be scalable and easy to administer because the organisation was in a transitional period.

“Winningtemp can successfully facilitate various forms of dialogue between management and rank-and-file employees. We chose the tool because it has so many useful functions and has a customer-oriented approach, which has made us feel like partners in the further development of the system.”

In February 2018, a pilot test was conducted with various departments, and eventually, the tool went live for the entire organisation in September the same year. According to Anders, there are already many instances where employees' experiences of the company have led to reprioritisation or new initiatives, including skills development.

“Things have become much better after completion of a significant communication and training program. Winningtemp initially helps us to highlight the things we need to work on. After that, it's through leadership and communication that we can contribute to changing behavioural and cultural patterns."

Becoming the construction industry’s best employer

The company hopes that Winningtemp will be integrated organically into the fibre of the organisation.

"The goal is to develop the company further and become the best employer in the industry. We can measure this directly in Winningtemp, and in the latest measurements, we can see that we are very well-positioned compared to our competitors. It is achieved through dialogue, where employees feel seen and heard, and Winningtemp is really helping us succeed", says Anders in conclusion.

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With a focus on people

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Peer-to-peer praise

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Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

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