
The Winningtemp method for creating team success

Mikaela Clavel
September 9, 2024
The Winningtemp method for creating team success

Poor employee engagement levels, rising burnout among employees and managers, and making hybrid work efficient in a challenging economy is not the easiest task to solve.  

One step towards a winning culture that everyone loves is employee surveys. Surveys can sometimes feel like just another box to tick (for both HR and employees), but when used right, they can transform your entire organisation.

At Winningtemp, we believe in the power of REALLY listening to every single employee. We have hundreds of interactions with HR professionals, leaders, and management teams across the world. Based on these interactions, our own data, and maaaany studies later, we've identified several focus areas that teams should invest time in.  

In this article, we’ll explore how the Winningtemp method can help you create successful teams and a healthy, thriving organisation.

Let's kick it off and set the scene.

How to operate according to the wheel

The first challenge with surveys is to get people to answer them. The second challenge is to use this data to inspire meaningful action.

To harness the power of surveys, you need a method - a wheel that keeps turning and propelling your team forward. Here’s how we do it at Winningtemp:

1. Collect data

We gather real-time insights from employees through our intuitive platform. But these aren’t just any surveys; they are designed to capture the true sentiment and feelings of your team. Everyone in your team is sent unique questions (based on, for example, their previous response). This gives you the full picture of your organisation’s emotional and operational state.

2. Analyse

Our smart AI processes this data to highlight key trends and issues. This isn’t just about numbers; it’s about understanding the story behind the data. We look at patterns, identify pain points, and uncover opportunities for improvement. This deep dive into the data ensures that no insight is overlooked and every piece of feedback is valued.  

Winningtemp has 20 different temperatures to measure- all developed together with leading research scientists at Gothenburg University in Sweden. These temperatures will show how engaged and loyal your employees are, and if they risk going on sick leave.

3. Action

Armed with these insights, leaders can take meaningful action together with their team. This could mean addressing concerns, celebrating wins, or adjusting strategies - all depending on what the insights from your team show. The key is to be proactive rather than reactive. By responding swiftly and appropriately to the feedback, you demonstrate to your team that their voices matter and that you are committed to continuous improvement.

4. Feedback loop

This final step is crucial. We ensure there’s a feedback loop where employees see that their voices lead to real change. This builds trust and encourages ongoing participation. When employees know their input directly influences the organisation’s direction and policies, they are more likely to engage actively and provide honest feedback.  

Winningtemp in action

We’ve seen incredible transformations using this method. Take the case of Kurtosys. They joined forces with Winningtemp during a challenging time, right at the tail end of the global pandemic. Employee engagement was low, and attrition was high.  

When Lee Watts, Head of People Operations, joined Kurtosys he knew that to turn things around, they needed a robust, data-driven approach.  

Lee and his team started by implementing Winningtemp to gather real-time employee feedback. The initial surveys revealed a wide range of issues, from lack of professional development opportunities to concerns about work-life balance. With these insights, they could prioritise their actions:  

  • Professional development: Recognising that professional growth was a significant concern, Kurtosys introduced a series of learning and development programs. These included online courses, workshops, and mentorship programs. The focus was on equipping employees with the skills they needed to excel in their roles and advance their careers.
  • Well-being programs: To address burnout, Kurtosys rolled out comprehensive well-being initiatives. These ranged from mental health days and flexible working hours to access to counselling services. The aim was to create an environment where employees felt supported both personally and professionally.
  • Enhanced communication: Effective communication was another critical area. Kurtosys improved their internal communication channels, ensuring that employees were kept in the loop about company developments and had platforms to voice their opinions. Regular town halls, newsletters, and feedback sessions became integral parts of their communication strategy.

So what (spectacular!) results did they see from this?

  • Enhanced employee engagement: Their Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) jumped from 9 to 23 in just one year! This wasn’t magic; it was the result of consistently using data to make smart decisions. By understanding the underlying issues affecting employee morale, they could implement targeted initiatives that had a real impact.
  • Reduced attrition: High attrition rates were a big challenge.. But by focusing on professional development and well-being, they lowered their attrition rate from 44% to 33%. This reduction was achieved by creating a work environment where employees felt valued and supported, making them more likely to stay.
  • Improved satisfaction: They boosted overall employee satisfaction scores from 7.1 to 8. This was achieved by implementing initiatives directly influenced by employee feedback. Whether it was through enhancing workplace conditions, providing better resources, or improving communication channels, every change made a positive difference.

What this means for you

Imagine having the tools to accurately predict human behaviour within your workforce. The Winningtemp method takes the guesswork out of managing your team.  

Here’s how you can apply it:  

1. Create true connections with your team

In a hybrid work environment, maintaining a winning culture can be tricky. Use our insights to foster genuine connections across teams, regardless of where they are. Top it off with virtual check-ins, team-building activities, and clear communication channels to help bridge the gap between remote and in-office employees.

2. Focus on professional development

Investing in your employees’ growth not only boosts engagement but also positions your company as a great place to work. Offer continuous learning opportunities, career advancement programs, and mentorship schemes. When employees see a clear path for growth, they are more likely to remain committed to your organisation.

3. Prioritise well-being

Burnout is rising… Winningtemp helps you identify early signs of burnout and take preventative measures before it’s too late. Implement wellness programs, provide access to mental health resources, and create a supportive work environment where employees feel safe expressing their concerns.

4. Build a strong culture

A positive company culture of recognition isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a necessity. Use our platform to continuously enhance and nurture your organisational culture. Celebrate successes, encourage collaboration, and ensure that your company’s values are reflected in every aspect of your operations.

Ready to transform your team?

The Winningtemp method isn’t just about collecting data; it’s about making data-driven decisions that lead to measurable results. If you’re ready to create a thriving, engaged, and successful team, let’s talk.

Book a demo with Winningtemp today and see how we can help you turn employee insights into impactful actions.  

About the author
Mikaela Clavel

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