Insights drive leadership and engagement forward at NetOnNet

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Insights drive leadership and engagement forward at NetOnNet

At NetOnNet, it has long been known that strong relationships between employees increase engagement and productivity in the workplace. However, when the pandemic hit, the value of insight-driven leadership also became apparent. This realization led them to invest in Winningtemp.

In recent years, the consumer electronics company NetOnNet has focused on the soft values within its organization. The goal is to build stronger relationships with their employees, believing that such relationships contribute to engagement and job satisfaction, ultimately leading to higher productivity.

“We decided to work on what we call relationship-oriented leadership,” explains HR Manager Per Carlsson. “A leadership that sees and cares about the individual, believing that the better the relationship between our leaders and employees, the better the conditions for creating the engagement and joy that are so important for any company.”

By seeing their employees and creating security within workgroups, the chances increase that everyone will move in the same direction.

“The conditions for increasing engagement rise dramatically if you have a good relationship with your colleagues and managers, and feel secure at your job,” says Per. “If you are involved and can contribute to the department's development, you will thrive and grow. This creates a lot of energy and drive. If we succeed in creating these conditions, it is a fantastic feeling to be a manager or leader. It becomes like a self-playing piano when everyone wants to move in the same direction.”

Insight-Driven Leadership

The global pandemic required NetOnNet to shift focus slightly, turning previous ideas into more concrete priorities. They wanted to work more with insight-driven leadership, which means basing decisions and actions on data, and in this case, data that can be collected remotely. This information helps to drive better leadership and higher employee well-being.

“We want to work with insight-driven leadership. Before the pandemic, we mostly practiced leadership in physical environments, but now we’ve had to find new ways. We needed to give our leaders a complement to physical leadership. One solution we saw was insights in the form of data. We already work a lot with customer data, so this is somewhat similar, but now we’re also working with employee data. This helps our leaders become even better. It’s an effective further development of all the company's leaders, whether they practice their leadership digitally or physically.”

Employees at NetOnNet Feel Heard

It felt natural for Per to use employee data in the same way customer data is used. It is equally important to work on improving the workplace for employees as it is to create a positive experience for customers. To collect insights and employee data, NetOnNet started using Winningtemp in November 2020.

“Since we started collecting insights with the help of Winningtemp, we’ve received very positive feedback from both employees and managers,” says Per. “Employees feel they are involved and that their opinions are heard. We always want to keep the possibility of direct dialogues between leaders and employees, as that is the best type of communication, but this is a good complement. It especially suits those who are not as skilled at expressing themselves in meetings, even if they have positive thoughts or ideas for change.”

An important function of Winningtemp’s platform is the research-based questions available to users. These questions are proven to lead to insights that drive engagement and productivity, and for NetOnNet, these questions have worked beyond expectations.

“The best thing about getting this data is that leaders have better conditions to steer in the right direction,” says Per. “You can address issues before they grow too large. Additionally, we currently only send out four questions each week, and it takes 10 seconds to answer them, so it’s not burdensome for employees.”

The smart AI also helps to develop the business.

“I like that the tool is smart, that if someone answers a bit hesitantly, the AI in the tool will continue digging with follow-up questions. This way, we get more data each week that we can work with to develop our business and our leadership.”

“You Can Focus on the Right Things at the Right Time”

Thanks to Winningtemp, NetOnNet feels they have been able to avoid conflicts and boost confidence within the company.

“Before we started using Winningtemp, conflicts or other problems could grow quite a bit before we became aware of them, and then it’s much harder to find solutions. But with Winningtemp, we can see those signals early on, so we focus on the right things at the right time. Additionally, we get a boost when we see that we are doing particularly well in certain areas.”

The platform has also helped make life easier and more enjoyable for those working in the HR department.

“We in HR get signals and insights in the system if we need to contact a manager or employee. So it’s a fantastic tool for HR as we can help monitor the business proactively. We have better tools than ever to handle ‘problem areas,’ for example, and come in and support so that everyone gets the help they need to perform and feel at their best. It has never been more fun to work in HR!”

Helping to Avoid Employee Turnover and Unnecessary Conflicts

Winningtemp’s AI can analyze behavior based on responses from thousands of users and see when someone is considering changing jobs or when a conflict is brewing. This way, unnecessary loss of personnel or energy can be saved. For NetOnNet, Winningtemp has been an investment that has immediately provided value and paid for itself.

“Winningtemp is an investment that quickly provides value. We avoid high employee turnover and costly conflicts, and above all, we have gained a tool that helps us increase engagement in the company. Additionally, the tool does not represent a significant investment compared to traditional annual employee surveys. The system was quick to implement, and it was super easy for employees and managers to learn. It really feels like we have taken a step forward in development,” says Per. “It’s really fun to be part of this journey.”

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Peer-to-peer praise

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Peer-to-peer praise

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Peer-to-peer praise

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