Transforming workplace culture with Winningtemp

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Anja Bonilla
Transforming workplace culture with Winningtemp

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With a focus on people

If you are interested in learning more about how Winningtemp can help your organization, please contact our sales team.

Hear about our product

The best way to learn how Winningtemp can take your engagement to the next level is to watch our demo.
Anja Bonilla
National HR Manager

The Challenge

GEODIS is a global leader in logistics, known for its commitment to innovation and excellence. With a strong focus on employee satisfaction and retention, Geodis embarked on a cultural journey to make the company an even better place to work.

Background on the problem

In recent years, GEODIS faced a significant challenge: a 26% employee turnover rate and only one global annual employee survey. This survey, while providing some insights, lacked the real-time data needed to make immediate and impactful changes. 

Importance of communication

Understanding that employee well-being is paramount, Geodis engaged an external consultant to identify their strengths and areas for improvement. One critical action point emerged: the need for real-time temperature checks on employee sentiment.

"We needed a system that provided ongoing insights, not just annual snapshots," noted Anja Bonilla, National HR Manager of GEODIS. "This is where Winningtemp came into play."

Initial steps and challenges

In Sweden, GEODIS had already been using Winningtemp successfully. Encouraged by these positive results, they expanded the use of Winningtemp across the region in September 2022. The results were striking, turnover reduced from 26% to 9%, a testament to the platform's effectiveness.

“In 2 years, we have reduced our employee turnover from 26% to 9%,” stated Anja Bonilla.

Implementation of the solution

Winningtemp quickly became an integral part of GEODIS' HR strategy. By December 2021, they had achieved a 90% response rate on surveys, gathering a wealth of comments leadership took extremely seriously. Leaders responded promptly to feedback, understanding that neglecting this could lead to decreased employee engagement.

"We focus heavily on leadership and working conditions," shared Anja Bonilla."The temperature data helps us identify stress levels among employees, allowing us to address these issues proactively."

"In my 18 years at GEODIS, working with Winningtemp has been my most significant decision," emphasised Anja Bonilla.

Benefits of Winningtemp

One of the standout features for GEODIS has been the platform's ability to highlight rare but critical issues like bullying and discrimination. Moreover, internal surveys conducted after events provide concrete feedback, which is discussed in leadership meetings.

"The data has made it easy for our leaders to quickly bring up certain topics in department meetings, discuss them with the group, and respond quickly based on the information," said Anja Bonilla.

Results and positive outcomes

The implementation of Winningtemp has led to significant improvements:

●    Enhanced employee engagement with a 90% response rate.

●    Reduced turnover from 26%to 9%.

●    Proactive stress management through flexible working conditions and remote work options.


Future goals and aspirations

GEODIS continues to prioritise employee feedback. Leaders regularly have one-on-one meetings with team members to discuss weekly progress and strengths, ensuring ongoing engagement and development. The use of Winningtemp also plays a crucial role in their employer branding efforts.

"Some leaders initially felt overwhelmed by the additional tasks," said Anja Bonilla. "However, with strong ambassadors and forums for sharing best practices, we've fostered a supportive environment where everyone benefits."

What's next?

Are you interested in working more effectively with employee feedback by listening to your employees and taking concrete actions? Schedule a demo to see how Winningtemp can help your organisation thrive.

The results


Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

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