How Winningtemp Fosters a Culture of Transparency and Feedback at Loavies

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Jolien van Es
How Winningtemp Fosters a Culture of Transparency and Feedback at Loavies
“At LOAVIES, our mission is to inspire the young fashion-minded to feel awesome, proud and confident. We know the foundation to do this starts with our people – by creating a supportive and inclusive environment for our employees. We believe that honesty is iconic, and that's why we use Winningtemp to measure our employees' feedback. Being able to foster real-time communication and listen to our employees' opinions helps us make informed decisions to improve employee satisfaction and wellbeing.”


At LOAVIES we work in a fast and flexible way, so the known yearly employee satisfaction surveys were not the right fit. Winningtemp enables us to receive frequent and actionable feedback from employees, with the aim of improving overall employee satisfaction and wellbeing. It allowed our employees to provide their feedback and opinions quickly and easily. The platform's real-time insights, which included multiple-choice feedback and weekly pulse surveys, enables us to understand changes in employee sentiment quickly.



Thanks to Winningtemp and an 84% participation rate in the weekly pulse surve, Lovaies improved their two-way communication between managers and employees and enabled proactive actions and prioritisation for managers via the anonymous conversation feature. This increased theoverall transparency in the organisation.


Improved Employee Wellbeing and Engagement

Since implementing Winningtemp, Loavies has seen a significant increase in employee engagement, with 84% of employees sharing their feedback via the weekly pulse survey. Additionally, topics that normally are not discussed or highlighted are now more clear and it’s easier for leaders to open the discussion in their teams.


Transparent and Supportive Leadership

Winningtemp has enabled Loavies to create amore supportive workplace culture. Managers are now more available and receptive to feedback, leading to more transparent conversations and improved communication between employees and management. Result? Action lies with the employee, to take charge of their own development in the company.


Increased overall transparency

Winningtemp's weekly pulse surveys and temperature dashboard provide Loavies with real-time feedback on employee sentiment. This allows the company to take immediate action on any issues that arise, preventing them from becoming more significant problems. The dashboard with insights and smart actions is loved by leaders across the business.



“With Winningtemp's temperature dashboard, we have a clear understanding of the overall sentiment of our employees. This helps us make informed decisions on the data and create an uplifting and openwork environment for everyone. Winningtemp has become an important tool in our commitment to employee wellbeing and satisfaction and Winningtemp data is discussed in our team meetings and town hall”.



Winningtemp has become an important tool in Loavies’ commitment to employee wellbeing and satisfaction. The platform has enabled the company to foster real-time communication and listen to its employees' opinions, leading to a more engaged workforce and improved business outcomes. Winningtemp data is discussed in team meetings and in general, demonstrating the company's dedication to creating a supportive and inclusive environment for its employees.

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With a focus on people

If you are interested in learning more about how Winningtemp can help your organization, please contact our sales team.

Hear about our product

The best way to learn how Winningtemp can take your engagement to the next level is to watch our demo.
"At LOAVIES, we are able to gain a more in-depth understanding of employee engagement thanks to Winningtemp's science-backed questions with the custom survey capabilities. Being able to ask questions that matter most to us but also are close to our business is important to us."
Jolien van Es
HR Learning & Development

The Challenge

The results


Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

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