Mary Stevens Hospice: outstanding for patient care, upstanding for employee experience

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Gerry Crow
Mary Stevens Hospice: outstanding for patient care, upstanding for employee experience

“Our employees do an incredible job to help patients make the most of every moment.It’s not an easy job, but the care they provide is exceptional. We need to showcommitment to every single one of our employees, just as they do every day forour patients. We launched Winningtemp as part of our wider employee support andwellbeing package to create a space for people to share their thoughts andfeelings. Employees can choose to comment anonymously, and we’re committed toreplying to every single one, so no one is left unheard.” – Gerry Crow,Director of Operations & Support, Mary Stevens Hospice

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With a focus on people

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“Our employees do an incredible job to help patients make the most of every moment. It’s not an easy job, but the care they provide is exceptional. We need to show commitment to every single one of our employees, just as they do every day for our patients. We launched Winningtemp as part of our wider employee support and wellbeing package to create a space for people to share their thoughts and feelings. Employees can choose to comment anonymously, and we’re committed to replying to every single one, so no one is left unheard.”
Gerry Crow
Director of Operations & Support
Mary Stevens Hospice

The Challenge

Mary Stevens Hospice provides outstanding care to patients with incurable or life-limiting illnesses. Its employees enable patients to enjoy their lives to the fullest – however long that life may be – so it’s critical to reduce the elements that contribute to turnover, stress and dissatisfaction, and ensure employees get the support they need too.

The Hospice is mainly charity funded and runs on a tight budget. So, while other organisations can afford to spend more freely, Mary Stevens Hospice has chosen to devote care and attention to its employee experience. Doing away with the single, bulky survey it had asked staff to complete before, the Hospice turned to Winningtemp to provide employees with accessible, frequent ways to share feelings and voice their opinions – driving real, meaningful engagement between employees and managers.

The results

Delegated training budget for staff following survey feedback

eNPS score increased from +16 to +37 in 1 year

Launched ‘Right to Disconnect’ policy to support agile and shift work

Accessible data

The multiple-choice feedback feature means the Hospice can quickly sense check how its employees are feeling. Instant analysis through Winningtemp means data is ready-to-hand and can be used immediately to create change. Now, the Hospice can identify problem areas and attend to them swiftly. For example, when feedback highlighted the need for serious improvement to the organisation’s learning and development, the Hospice was able to make the case based on feedback and delegate its training budget to managers to hastily improve opportunities.

Real-time feedback

With Winningtemp, the Hospice has introduced weekly pulse surveys that enable problems and feedback to be dealt with in real-time. Instead of letting frustrations or concerns fester – which can have a negative effect on mental health and workplace satisfaction – employees can share their thoughts on a regular basis. Employees receive a series of questions with a traffic-light system for feedback that takes seconds to complete – replacing the lengthy survey that staff were previously asked to complete and took far too long to analyse.

Comment anonymity

Employees can choose to share feedback anonymously and the Hospice commits to respond to each one. Using the feedback shared on Winningtemp, the organisation has been able to implement tailored changes faster than ever before. This includes the introduction of their ‘Right to Disconnect’ policy to support agile working and shift patterns, reinforcing a healthy work-life balance by stating employees are only ever expected to respond during their working hours.


“With Winningtemp’s temperature dashboard we can easily gauge the overall sentiment of our employees – from happiness to engagement analytics – so we can proactively look after them and make any necessary changes. We believe Winningtemp has added to our overall wellbeing package and is, ultimately, helping our mission to create a supportive, positive working environment for everyone.”– Gerry Crow, Director of Operations & Support, Mary Stevens Hospice

Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

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