Press Release

Winningtemp Appoints New CEO to Lead AI-Powered Product Expansion

Hannah Wigren
Date Published:
August 28, 2024
Winningtemp Appoints New CEO to Lead AI-Powered Product Expansion

Winningtemp, the must-have platform for creating winning teams and healthy organisations, is excited to announce the appointment of Tobias Thalbäck as the new CEO. Tobias brings over 15 years' experience in the SaaS industry (Software as a Service), acting as CEO of the streaming company Solidsport AB and the feedback suite company Netigate AB. Being chairman in the consulting firm, Sweden HR Group, and previous assignment as board member of employee and customer survey platform, Brilliant Future AB, making him an ideal leader to guide Winningtemp into its next phase.

“I’m honored to lead Winningtemp’s growth and enhance the value provided to our customers,” said Tobias Thalbäck. “I’ve followed the company’s development for several years and have been impressed by its ability to be the most innovative and agile player in the market. Winningtemp is uniquely positioned to revolutionise how organisations build successful, engaged teams worldwide.”

The highly regarded and AI-driven Swedish scale-up reached profitability during 2023, thanks to an improved product vision and ambitious 3-year strategy. Now Winningtemp is on a growth journey to expand its capabilities to empower modern leaders to reach team success while also improving their employee’s well-being. Releasing the highly anticipated feature, Guided Temperature Meetings, is an early example of their innovative product roadmap.  

“We are thrilled to welcome Tobias as our new CEO. His deep experience in SaaS, HR, and scaling companies aligns perfectly with our future goals. With our team having successfully turned the company to profitability, we are now focused on the next phase of AI-driven growth, and Tobias is the right leader to take us there,” said Per Appelgren, Chairman of the Board at Winningtemp.

Tobias Thalbäck’s track record in building and leading winning teams mirrors Winningtemp’s core mission of forever changing how people succeed together. His leadership will be instrumental in further advancing the platform’s AI capabilities, ensuring that Winningtemp continues to deliver cutting-edge solutions that empower leaders and teams alike.

Carl Axell, whose leadership as interim CEO has been significant in guiding the company towards a stronger financial position, will continue to contribute to Winningtemp in a new capacity.

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About Winningtemp

The team success platform, Winningtemp, creates winning teams and healthy organisations by listening to employees and empowering leaders with relevant insights and actions leading to clear, measurable results.

Created together with leading research scientists at Gothenburg University in Sweden, the cutting-edge solution is based on science, fuelled by data, and driven by AI. Winningtemp helps organisations across the globe make smart, proactive decisions to boost teams' engagement, and decrease stress levels and employee turnover.

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