Fastighetsbyrån creates a winning culture together with Winningtemp

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Linda Nyström, Terese Ramming
Fastighetsbyrån creates a winning culture together with Winningtemp

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With a focus on people

If you are interested in learning more about how Winningtemp can help your organization, please contact our sales team.

Hear about our product

The best way to learn how Winningtemp can take your engagement to the next level is to watch our demo.
Linda Nyström, Terese Ramming
Senior HR Business Partner

The Challenge

Fastighetsbyrån is Sweden's leading brokerage chain with approximately 270 offices and 1,700 employees in Sweden, Spain and Portugal.

The collaboration with Winningtemp began in 2020, when Linda Nyström had just started as HR manager. In her new role, she quickly noticed that the annual employee surveys did not provide sufficiently relevant results.

“We always had the annual survey after our kick-off to really get the positivity in the numbers. But it wasn't so smart if you wanted qualitative data,” says Linda. “It gave good PR, but not so much development opportunities for us as an organisation.”

The importance of talking to your employees

The number one priority for Linda and her HR team was to get employees feeling as good as possible at work. But to really understand how the employees experience the workplace and their situation, Linda knew they had to  start by talking to them.

She continues: “We say we care about our employees, and then I thought we should show that we really care about them and not just ask them how they are doing once a year. When we started looking for a system, there was some fear in the organisation, as some thought it was scary to measure well-being so concretely.

“I started researching the market and got a positive impression of Winningtemp, both of the platform and of the people.. So, it felt like a matter of course to start using Winningtemp to develop the wellbeing of our employees.”

"Winningtemp gives me a conclusion"

At Fastighetsbyrån, Winningtemp has become an essential part of HR work. They send out pulse surveys once a month and use annual cycles that include training and goal setting and standing meetings with franchisees to review insights from the platform.

Linda adds: “For me, this is an issue that should be prioritised early on. If I don't listen to the employees, how the hell will I know what to focus on? I'll get a conclusion. For me, this is a matter of course.

“When asked what their favourite function in Winningtemp is, it’s not even a discussionThe favourite function is clearly the comments.. We get so many open answers that are very concrete about how we want to develop as a company. So valuable!”

Avoid problems before they occur

If you look at the real estate agency's figures, you immediately see it’s a prosperous company. They take employee health seriously, which has truly made a positive, winning difference.

“We are proud of our high numbers, and 68% of our comments are positive, which shows that we are doing something right,” says Linda. “But it is of course important not to become passive about it. We want to continue developing the work.”

One of the biggest advantages of Winningtemp is that you can see trends among employees before it leads to something concrete, for example splits in teams or layoffs. The real estate agency has taken advantage of this.

“Sometimes we have seen that team spirit has decreased or that stress levels have increased, and it would not have been as easy to see without Winningtemp, and then we might have lost employees instead. Now, instead, we can quickly act on it before it goes too far.,” Linda says.

Get others onboard

To discover these problems, of course, employees need to be willing to participate and contribute. And with a workforce of 1,700 and a whopping 62% response rate, there is a lot of data that the HR team can use to develop the organisation. 

Terese Ramming, Project Manager HR at Fastighetsbyrån has a solid grasp of the numbers.

“Our long-term goal is a 75% response rate, and that certainly does not feel impossible,” she says. “We have also received around 6,000 comments since we started with Winningtemp, which is so much fun.”

Winningtemp is introduced to new employees as soon as they start in order to help them understand the value the platfrom brings from day one.

“We talk about Winningtemp on our intro days and go through why we have it and encourage them to start using the platform and answer the surveys right away,” says Terese. “Winningtemp is an essential part of our culture.”

Are you also interested in working more effectively with employee feedback by listening to your employees and taking concrete actions? 

Book a demo and see how Winningtemp can help your business.

The results


Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

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