How Fellowmind slashed churn and sent eNPS soaring with Winningtemp

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Kristian Randel
How Fellowmind slashed churn and sent eNPS soaring with Winningtemp

Speak to anyone working in HR and they’ll tell you they want employees to be happier and more engaged - and they want to reduce churn.  

It sounds simple but it rarely is.

It’s one thing to measure engagement, but turning insights into real, lasting improvements is where many organisations struggle. And it gets even more difficult trying do this through periods of significant change

This was exactly the challenge that Fellowmind faced.  

Operating across six countries in Northern Europe, Fellowmind helps businesses make the most of Microsoft cloud solutions. With a strong emphasis on collaboration, innovation, and people-first leadership, they aim to create an environment where kindness comes first and success follows.

“People loved it”  

But like many growing businesses, Fellowmind faced a challenge: how to maintain a strong, unified culture while navigating mergers and rapid expansion.

Kristian Randel, Chief HR Officer at Fellowmind, explains:

“’I’m very data-driven and purpose-driven in everything I do. I like to measure things, optimise, and improve continuously. That’s how we came to use Winningtemp – I saw it as a way to measure and improve engagement and retention, which are crucial in our industry.
"We started exploring tools like Winningtemp around 2020-2021 when we were merging three Swedish companies into one legal entity. Each company had a slightly different culture, and I wanted to measure employee sentiment before, during, and after the integration to understand how people were feeling and ensure a smooth transition.

At first, we conducted a small pilot with one or two consultancy teams, about 20 employees, to see how they would engage with the tool. There were initial concerns - would people answer five questions every Friday? Would it be too much? But it wasn’t. People loved it.

After that, we rolled Winningtemp out across all three companies simultaneously. Since then, it’s become a key tool for monitoring employee engagement, guiding leadership decisions, and driving cultural improvements.

Turning data into results

One of the key lessons Fellowmind learned early on was that measuring engagement alone doesn’t drive improvement - it requires a structured methodology to turn insights into action. To ensure Winningtemp’s data translated into real change, they introduced a simple yet effective action-planning framework for teams.

The process follows these key steps:

  1. Reviewing Winningtemp results in a team meeting.
  2. Identifying strengths and areas for improvement.
  3. Selecting one key question to focus on.
  4. Brainstorming actionable steps that team members can implement themselves.
  5. Prioritising two to three actions to work on for the next quarter.
  6. Tracking progress and reassessing.

By repeating this process quarter after quarter, Fellowmind has seen remarkable results. Their eNPS soared from 20 to 73 in just 24 months, and they’ve maintained an eNPS above 70 for over a year - a testament to their commitment to continuous improvement.

Making employee engagement a priority  

Winningtemp is now deeply embedded in Fellowmind’s HR strategy. The HR team monitors results weekly, stepping in to support teams where necessary. Meanwhile, the management team reviews engagement scores monthly, alongside financial metrics such as revenue and EBITDA.  

Employee engagement has become one of Fellowmind’s four strategic priorities, standing alongside profitability, revenue, and customer NPS as a key driver of business success.

Kristian Randel adds:  

“Some managers rely more on the pre-generated reports, while others dive into the analysis themselves. My team also provides support where needed, meeting with vice presidents periodically to help them interpret the data."
"One key insight we found early on was that leadership scores strongly influence other areas - when leadership scores are low, other areas (like work environment and team spirit) tend to suffer. That’s why we encourage managers to focus on improving leadership first, as it has a ripple effect across the organisation."
"Another interesting trend is that teams with higher workloads often report better work situations. Consultants dislike ‘sitting on the bench’ without projects, so engagement can actually drop when work slows down."
"We also use the comment function a lot. About 70-80% of comments are positive, which I didn’t expect at first. Employees use it to share appreciation and suggestions, and we make a point to acknowledge and respond to their input.”

And what about churn? Did Winningtemp help reduce churn rates?

Kristian Randel continues:

Yes! Before Winningtemp, our churn rate was around 18%. It dropped steadily to 11% and has stayed below that level for over a year. That’s a massive improvement, especially for a growing company like ours.

Of course, Winningtemp isn’t the only factor, but with its structured approach to feedback and action planning, has been the biggest driver of change.

The secrets of Fellowmind’s success

For Fellowmind, securing leadership buy-in was essential to making Winningtemp a success. Without full support from the CEO and leadership team, the initiative wouldn’t stick. Employees and team leaders needed to see that engagement was a business priority, not just an HR initiative.

Fellowmid new real-time, continuous insights were necessary to effectively navigate the complexities of merging three companies into one.

The business case for Winningtemp was clear: reducing churn. Knowing that turnover often spikes during mergers, Fellowmind’s HR team made a compelling argument to leadership:

“We’re going to see higher turnover during this merger—let’s track it and act on the insights before it costs us too much.”

By demonstrating that improving engagement would directly reduce churn and cut recruitment costs, leadership quickly saw the value of investing in a data-driven approach to employee experience.

At Fellowmind, three priorities drive the business forward: quality, profitability, and growth. HR plays a critical role in supporting each of these:

  • Quality – Recruiting the best people and supporting their development.
  • Profitability – Reducing churn and absenteeism, lowering recruitment costs.
  • Growth – Creating an engaged workforce that wants to stay and contribute.

HR initiatives at Fellowmind are always positioned with business impact in mind.  

As Kristian Randel puts it:  

“It’s like a Formula One team - nobody gets paid to put stickers on the car. You get paid to make it go faster. In HR, we exist to drive business success, not just to ‘support’ the company.
"And this leads nicely into my top tips for anyone looking to implement Winningtemp.

First, treat HR as a business function, not just a support function. Build a strong business case that directly links engagement to profitability and growth - because that’s what leadership will listen to.

Second, have a clear methodology for acting on insights. Measuring engagement without follow-up is worse than not measuring at all. Leaders need to know how to turn data into action.

And third, be persistent. Some managers will slack off in the beginning - don’t let them! Keep reinforcing the importance of using the data to drive improvements, and make engagement a continuous, non-negotiable part of your culture.”

Turning engagement into a clear advantage

Fellowmind’s journey with Winningtemp is a powerful example of how real-time insights, structured action planning, and leadership buy-in can transform employee engagement. By embedding Winningtemp into their HR strategy, they haven’t just measured engagement - they’ve actively improved it.

The results speak for themselves: eNPS skyrocketing from 20 to 73, churn rates dropping from 18% to 11%, and engagement becoming a core business priority alongside profitability and growth.

But as Fellowmind’s experience shows, engagement isn’t a one-time fix - it’s an ongoing process. Consistently tracking, analysing, and acting on employee feedback is what makes the difference.

Is your organisation ready to take the next step in employee engagement?

Winningtemp helps businesses like Fellowmind retain top talent, build successful workplace cultures, and turn insights into real impact.  

Book a demo today to see how Winningtemp can help you do the same.

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With a focus on people

If you are interested in learning more about how Winningtemp can help your organization, please contact our sales team.

Hear about our product

The best way to learn how Winningtemp can take your engagement to the next level is to watch our demo.
Kristian Randel
Chief HR Officer

The Challenge

The results


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