Press Release

Guided Temperature Meetings – anticipated product launch

Kristofer Hillhammar
Date Published:
November 21, 2023
Guided Temperature Meetings – anticipated product launch

Guided Temperature Meetings – anticipated product launch allowing leaders to simply and frequently act on team feedback and boost performance.

Gothenburg, Sweden, 21 November - Swedish employee engagement platform, Winningtemp, offers an innovative solution for collecting and visualizing people data, providing leaders with a deep understanding of how their employees feel and how they can support them. Today, they released their anticipated feature Guided Temperature Meetings – enabling leaders and team members to reach team success by openly discussing results, committing to improvements and easily following up on the progress.  

“The global uncertainty and economic downturn increasingly affects companies and has put additional pressure on managers, leaving them less time than ever to lead their teams towards success. Guided Temperature Meetings aim to ease managers’ workload and give managers a strong foundation to act on their team’s feedback and show them that they truly care so it’s easier to build trust and stronger commitment and engagement within their teams”, says Pierre Lindmark, founder and CEO of Winningtemp. 

The temperature meetings follow an appreciative inquiry approach based on strength-based leadership and change management. The meeting agenda is set by the system based on the highest and lowest results (also called temperatures), and suggests relevant questions, sparking meaningful and productive discussions of how partly or fully remote teams can improve collaboration and reach goals together.

“At Winningtemp we recommend our customers hold temperature meetings monthly within each team then talk about the results, discuss improvements, and align the team on actions to create more successful teams. Now we have made a product out of the meeting. A unique product that helps you take actions based on your employee listening data. This is a major step on our journey to create more successful teams,” says Kristofer Hillhammar, CPO at Winningtemp.

Guided Temperature Meetings are available for all customers on Winningtemp’s Empower plan. Learn more about the latest feature here.

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  • Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.
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About Winningtemp

Winningtemp uses cutting-edge science and technology to help organisations understand how employees really feel – and help them feel better. Leaders and HR Professionals use our platform to ask the right questions, to the right employees, in the right way, dramatically improving engagement, communication and collaboration.

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