Press Release

Winningtemp announces industry-first integration with Chat GPT to improve employee engagement

Tove Lundell
Date Published:
June 20, 2023
Winningtemp announces industry-first integration with Chat GPT to improve employee engagement

Stockholm, Sweden, 20th June 2023

Today,  Winningtemp, the Swedish AI and science-based employee engagement platform, announces its industry-first integration with ChatGPT. The integration will assist managers in their work of communicating and creating valuable conversations with their employees.

This new integration aligns with the company’s constant effort to explore modern ways of shaping a culture of feedback that puts employee wellbeing at the heart of business’ people strategies. After Winningtemp’s recent launch of five new product categories to enhance its employee surveys, the new ChatGPT integration is designed to improve feedback and drive employee engagement. According to Gallup, there's a direct relationship between engagement scores and several different aspects of a company including customer ratings, profitability, productivity and turnover.  

By integrating ChatGPT into its platform, Winningtemp will make it easier for managers to have two-way anonymous conversations with their employees. ChatGPT’s artificial intelligence (AI) will assist managers in answering and creating valuable dialogues by analysing the context and conversation to suggest answers the manager can use completely or take part from. This will enable managers to give recurrent, anonymised, timely and constructive feedback, which is vital in achieving higher levels of employee engagement. 

This will also help tackle what Winningtemp calls “answering fatigue”, where managers are receiving too many comments from employees to answer. The language generating AI from ChatGPT combined with Winningtemp’s Smart Assistant feature has been designed to tackle this. It will provide suggestions based on learned behaviours, the organisation’s tone and previous interactions between managers and employees to help managers select appropriate responses more easily.

Winningtemp’s integration with ChatGPT is a stepping stone towards providing advanced AI features to support employee engagement. The new feature will be launched in a beta version to selected customers, and is open for any others who may want to join from day one. The first stage of the ChatGPT integration will be used to explore and analyse the results, with the latest goal of developing a fully tailored AI for HR trained to deliver valuable feedback, promoting engagement.

Pierre Lindmark, CEO and co-founder of Winningtemp, said: “As the working world keeps evolving, it is crucial for organisations to continuously adjust and address the needs of their employees. We believe that a blend of empathy, two-way conversations and data-driven insights are essential for maintaining meaningful communication with employees. To achieve this, we’re investing in giving our customers access to the latest tools available. Our ChatGPT integration is another step forward to improving interactions between managers and employees.”

Read more about out latest launches here 👈

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About Winningtemp

Based on more than 600 international scientific studies, Winningtemp’s employee engagement platform helps HR and business leaders build an engaged, happy workplace. The AI-powered platform enables HR and business leaders to visualise employee sentiment and take objective decisions to maximise wellbeing, engagement and minimise turnover.Leaders and HR Professionals use our platform to ask the right questions, to the right employees, in the right way, dramatically improving engagement, communication and collaboration. Our platform was created by leading research scientists at Gothenburg University and optimised using AI to understand what keeps employee engagement high and drives strong company culture.  


Having become a category-leader in its native Sweden,Winningtemp now has over 1200 customers in over 20 countries.

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