Kurtosys: Lowering attrition rates by quantifying employee experience

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Lee Watts
Kurtosys: Lowering attrition rates by quantifying employee experience

“Our leadership and people operations teams decided we needed to build a culture where employees could genuinely feel psychologically safe to perform the best work of their lives. But we also needed to quantify this information, to measure progress and take the guesswork out, so we decided collecting employee survey data was a good starting point. Done under the cover of anonymity, we discovered this data could be used to create dialogue, through feedback loops and focus groups. This allowed us to really show employees they were not only seen and heard, but that they belong.”

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“Our leadership and people operations teams decided we needed to build a culture where employees could genuinely feel psychologically safe to perform the best work of their lives. But we also needed to quantify this information, to measure progress and take the guesswork out, so we decided collecting employee survey data was a good starting point. Done under the cover of anonymity, we discovered this data could be used to create dialogue, through feedback loops and focus groups. This allowed us to really show employees they were not only seen and heard, but that they belong.”
Lee Watts
Head of People Operations

The Challenge

Kurtosys is a secure cloud-based platform that helps investment managers seamlessly integrate data and content so they can deliver better insights and reporting capability worldwide. With some of the world’s leading financial institutions as clients, its easy-to-use tools to enable automated reporting, engaging website experiences and safe and secure client portals. So to keep up with the pace of innovation for customers, Kurtosys employees have to constantly implement new learnings, collaborate across teams and self-manage.  

But the company’s leadership and HR teams also recognised workers need to feel psychologically safe to perform at their best. And following the upheaval of the pandemic, the business found itself with a poor attrition rate of 44%. They realised they could no longer afford to leave employee experience to hindsight.  To better understand and improve the metrics that mattered – such as performance, wellbeing, diversity and inclusion – Kurtosys turned to Winningtemp to provide accurate and efficient collection and measurement of employee sentiment.  

The results

10% reduction in attrition rates

eNPS score increased from +9 to +21 in 7 months

Engagement rate of +91% over the last 5 months

Richer survey data

Through Winningtemp’s technology, Kurtosys was able to introduce employee surveys that guaranteed workers’ anonymity – allowing them to share their views safe in the knowledge they would be unidentifiable should they not want to openly share their feedback. Surveys received high engagement rates and, with Winningtemp’s instant analysis tools, the HR department had real-time and rapid access to excellent qualitative feedback. Not only did this give Kurtosys a solid starting point to address potential attrition causes, but it also provided valuable data to drive budgetary support for people-led initiatives.

Proactive feedback loops

One of the most impactful ways Kurtosys used its elevated employee sentiment data was to create feedback loops. With Winningtemp’s tools, Kurtosys could spot trends and actively feedback to employees, ensuring they knew that not only were their concerns being heard, but leadership was actively attributing dollar values to them. And because leaders had access to ready-to-hand data, they could track progress on employee issues and refine programmes accordingly.

Better employee initiatives

With a single point of truth providing them with enriched data, Kurtosys was able to roll out new initiatives that struck right at the heart of employees’ needs. For instance, an internal learning forum was established, as well as an increase in employee benefits and a long stay incentive for those with many years of service. Bimonthly awards were given for exceptional performance, and because these were also attributed based on quantified data, they were free from any accusations of bias or favouritism. The business also introduced a more comprehensive wellness programme because they realised it couldn’t be left until the moment of burnout. Collectively, these and other initiatives led to a net positive improvement across all employee experience metrics and helped them foster a more inclusive, candid and transparent culture.


“Winningtemp gave us the tools to establish a benchmark and measure whatever action we take based on actual, candid feedback from our employees. And we realised that if we did this well throughout an employee’s entire lifecycle, we would have the insight to know when an intervention or nudge for behavioural change was warranted. And while this meant we could pat ourselves on the back for a job well done, it also gave us the room to constantly ask ourselves how we could make it even better.” – Lee Watts, Head of People Operations, Kurtosys

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