ProffCom Went from Uncertainty to a Clear Overview of the Organization

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ProffCom Went from Uncertainty to a Clear Overview of the Organization

Previously, ProffCom conducted up to four employee interviews annually with its 190 employees, but still faced challenges in capturing feedback. They also struggled to get a comprehensive overview of how their employees were doing. According to HR Manager Ulrika Jørgensen, they lacked the resources and technical solutions to achieve this. The company needed a clear, simple, and user-friendly platform to gain insights that would enhance engagement and workplace satisfaction.

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The Comprehensive Solution and Usability Made ProffCom Choose Winningtemp

ProffCom explored various solutions, and after a few meetings with a Customer Success Manager at Winningtemp, they made their choice. The comprehensive solution, user-friendliness, and simplicity of the platform made Winningtemp stand out. For ProffCom, it was crucial that such a platform didn't become a time thief, but a tool to analyze and keep track of everyone in the company.

Jørgensen admits that initially, there was an adjustment with feedback, especially the constructive and negative ones. This was new for everyone, and many employees were also unsure if they were truly anonymous in employee surveys and feedback. Today, employees understand and know that they are anonymous, leading to high and consistent participation. Moreover, the results have improved, and participation is higher. Once everyone understood the platform's purpose, everyone saw its value. In the last summary of Q1 2021, they had a workplace environment score of 7.6, an eNPS of 12, and a response rate of 90%!

The Implementation Phase of Winningtemp in ProffCom

In the initial phase with Winningtemp, ProffCom spent time on frequent meetings with team leaders and department heads to implement the platform as effectively as possible. It was important that the platform didn't become a negative space for employees to elaborate on bad days.

Today, team leaders have a dedicated point on their weekly agenda to talk to their employees about Winningtemp. They noticed that some team leaders are on the platform 10 times a week, while others perhaps twice. Everyone has found their way of using the platform, and it works best for them.

ProffCom started with Winningtemp at the same time Corona began affecting our lives. They quickly set up a dedicated area called “Home Office.” "Here we have documented that employees enjoy working from home, which is incredibly important for us," says Jørgensen. With this function, along with individual employee interviews, they have considered a permanent rotating home office schedule for those who want it. "We probably wouldn't have concluded this without Winningtemp."

Employee Satisfaction and Higher Quality Results

One year with Winningtemp has given us a better overview of the company. We have much better control over how employees are doing and have also obtained measurable and concrete figures on leadership quality. You never know what score you will achieve in the various categories, so it was very nice for ProffCom to get a higher result in leadership quality.

The platform is incredibly user-friendly and an exciting tool that we absolutely recommend. Today, everyone in the company sees the value of Winningtemp and gets a lot out of the tool. It’s not complicated to navigate, team leaders get a good overview in a short time, and it’s easy to access statistics, figures, and trends. Additionally, Customer Success Managers are very available. They respond and assist as quickly as they can. We definitely recommend Winningtemp," concludes Jørgensen.

Quotes from Various Team Leaders at ProffCom

I use WT a lot in my employee interviews and team meetings. It helps me work on myself as a leader and, not least, collaborate with employees to create a good workplace. We discuss the low areas, set up improvement suggestions with solutions, and work on them. Especially concerning engagement and socialization. It turns out that meaningfulness is the most important factor for engaged and motivated employees. Through the solution, employees have the opportunity to be involved and influence the organization's development.
To be a good leader, you need effective and continuous feedback so that you can encourage and lead everyone towards the same goal. With continuous feedback via employee surveys, our leaders easily gain insight into what works and any challenges.

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Peer-to-peer praise

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Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

Peer-to-peer praise

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