At vide, hvordan dine medarbejdere har det, om de nyder deres arbejde eller ej, og hvordan de udvikler sig, er nogle af de spørgsmål, organisationer gerne vil vide.
Medarbejderundersøgelser giver et øjebliksbillede af, hvordan oplevelsen er på din arbejdsplads, men virkeligheden ændrer sig konstant.
Med visuelle data i realtid kan du nemt forstå og identificere tilbagevendende feedback og se tendenser i nøglekategorier som medarbejdertilfredshed, autonomi og personlig udvikling, hvilket giver dig den indsigt, du har brug for til at opbygge gladere og højtydende teams.
The first step in improving employee engagement is to gather feedback. But the big and more complex work comes next. Understanding your team's strengths and areas of improvement is often difficult and time-consuming to compile.
Winningtemps' automated Insights do this work for you. Managers are automatically shown the strengths and areas of improvement for their team, including recomended actions to take.
Få direkte adgang til Winningtemp gennem dit digitale forretningsmiljø med det samme login.
Få direkte adgang til Winningtemp gennem dit digitale forretningsmiljø med det samme login.
Winningtemp er det perfekte værktøj til virksomheder, der ønsker at indsamle feedback fra deres medarbejdere.
Vores spørgeundersøgelsesspørgsmål er baseret på over 600 forskningsundersøgelser og omfatter de 9 bedste kategorier, der påvirker medarbejderengagement og trivsel.
Vi gør det nemt at få feedback fra dit team, så du kan identificere og løse eventuelle problemer, før de bliver et problem.
Dealing with problems that have arisen in the organisation or in a team can be difficult. The core of the problem might have been happening for a long time and be deeply rooted before it comes to the surface.
Using AI and machine learning, predictions give you important insight to help you to prevent problems by taking action before they occur.
Forbind Winningtemp med dit personalesystem for at automatisere data og processer.
Forbind Winningtemp med dit personalesystem for at automatisere data og processer.
Looking to collect feedback on your new initiative or recent changes?
With Custom Surveys, you can easily capture feedback by adding or removing questions from the standard survey as well as asking specific questions to different departments or employees.
Som leder arbejder du ofte på en række opgaver på samme tid, så det kan være svært at finde tid til at arbejde på vigtige forbedringer i dit team, endsige vide, hvilke områder du skal fokusere på.
Vores handlingsfunktion gør alt det hårde arbejde for dig. Ved hjælp af dit teams feedback foreslås vigtige fokusområder til dig, så du nemt kan oprette en handling og fokusere på det, der betyder noget: måling af virkningen.
Handlinger er en nem måde for hele organisationen at arbejde sammen om at forbedre medarbejderengagement
Se, hvordan forskellige dele af din organisation præsterer sammenlignet med den samlede virksomhed.
Denne funktion giver et klart overblik over engagement og trivsel på tværs af organisationen.
Ved at sammenligne med den samlede virksomhedstemperatur kan du nemt identificere områder, der kræver opmærksomhed, og tage handling for at forbedre medarbejderoplevelsen i stor skala.
Engagement is the key to success, but many companies struggle to correlate employment engagement data with business performance metrics.
Well, now you can. Our API can extract your eNPS and temperature data into other HRIS systems, so you have a complete picture of the performance of your organisation. Data-driven HR has never been easier.
Sustainability, DE&I, self-leadership, ambassadorship, trust & innovation are all key areas the organisations want to understand and improve on. Well, now you can.
Developed in collaboration with the University of Gothenburg, these 6 additional categories can be easily added to your surveys to get even more insight into your strengths and areas of improvement across the business.
To improve your engagement results, it is important to discuss the outcomes with your teams. But knowing how and what to address when it comes to engagement results can be challenging.
That's where Guided Temperature Meetings come in! This feature provides you with ready-made templates with engaging topics that are highly relevant to your team. Through interactive elements, you can actively involve your employees during the meeting and collectively establish commitments and actions together.
Gør det lettere for systemadministratorer at skifte mellem forskellige virksomhedsinstanser i samme koncern med én enkelt login.
Denne funktion er ideel for administratorer, der håndterer flere virksomheder, da den gør det muligt at få adgang til og administrere separate konti uden at skulle logge ind og ud igen.
Ved let at kunne skifte mellem virksomhedsmiljøer kan administratorer holde styr på engagementet på tværs af hele koncernen.
“How likely are you to recommend working at [the company] to a friend or an acquaintance?”
Understand the eNPS for every employee from day one. With the eNPS question added seamlessly to every single month, you’ll have the most complete and up-to-date employer value proposition data available.
Data is a guide for many decisions and the need for a summary in a clear format is great. The process of creating a report and gathering data from different sources can often be time-consuming and feel overwhelming.
At Winningtemp, we have focused on making the difficult easy, and creating an annual report from your temperature data is just a few clicks away. The Engagement Report allows you to generate a presentation-friendly report, visualizing temperatures, eNPS and response participation. A perfect start for the upcoming meeting with the organisation.
Sammenlign nemt virksomhedstemperaturer med koncernens samlede data direkte fra varmekortets analysevisning.
Denne funktion giver en tydelig visuel sammenligning, der hjælper dig med at forstå, hvordan forskellige dele af organisationen præsterer i forhold til helheden.
Ved at analysere data fra varmekortet kan du hurtigt identificere trends, opdage forbedringsområder og tage handling for at øge engagement og trivsel i hele organisationen.
Welcome new hires and say goodbye to those leaving with our easy-to-use onboarding and offboarding surveys.
Our ready-made surveys are designed to be tailored to the specific stage of employment, ensuring that you ask the right questions at the right time. With better insight into your employees' motivations and needs, you can make sure that everyone feels valued and supported throughout their time with your organisation.
Whether you're looking to improve your onboarding process or understand why departing employees have chosen to move on, our automated surveys will give you access to the data you need.
Personaleomsætning og fravær kan være afgørende for en organisation - men de er ofte komplekse og vanskelige at forudsige.
Smart index udarbejder automatisk et indeks over de faktorer og spørgsmål, som forskning viser har størst indflydelse på begge kategorier.
Dette giver dig et overblik i realtid og mulighed for løbende at overvåge ændringer i din organisation.
When communicating surveys to your employees its sometimes difficult to achieve the desired response rate if the send-out doesn't come from your organisations email.
Instead of using our generic email ( you can use your organisations preferred domain. Custom email domain making sure that surveys find their way to your users, ensuring a seamless communication flow.
The Accuracy score gives you the insights you need to make confident decisions.
It calculates how accurate the results are, so you can focus on the most important areas that will have the biggest impact.
Staff turnover is an important issue that requires a continuous process. With the help of Winningtemps Staff Turnover Analysis, you can stay ahead of the game and retain your talent.
The analysis shows response patterns for employees who have chosen to leave and allows you to follow up and compare with your engagement results - allowing you to proactively retain your talent.
When new tools are implemented, it's not always easy for employees to know who the tool actually comes from, which in turn can result in a lower response rate to your surveys.
With the Custom logo you can take your company branding to new heights and make it clear to your employees that you as a company are behind the pulse surveys in Winningtemp.
A custom logo makes Winningtemp a little more personal to your employees and can also increase their engagement and understanding of why they should take the pulse surveys.
The first step in driving change is sharing the insights with others. Manager Reports allow you to do this and more, so be sure that every monthly report includes a summary of what was accomplished during each week/month for comparison purposes as well!
By looking at your data together you can find improvement actions which will ultimately lead you towards better company culture
An open feedback culture is something that many organisations strive for, but going through and reading all the free text responses can be time consuming.
Trending Topics analyses your employees' comments and uses AI to aggregate the words or topics that were discussed the most.
With Trending Topics, you can save time and see which areas you should focus on.
Participate in surveys on sustainable employee engagement from municipalities and county councils.
Du kan bruge vores Benchmark-funktion til at se, hvordan dine engagementsresultater sammenlignes med alle Winningtemp-brugere eller endda med gennemsnittet i din branche.
Få øjeblikkelig indsigt i, hvordan du klarer dig i forhold til andre organisationer for at sikre, at du altid er den foretrukne arbejdsgiver.
Creating and maintaining a good corporate culture requires, among other things, trust and the ability to allow employees to work on their own development.
Individual insights focus on self-leadership and give each individual a deeper knowledge of their own well-being and commitment. These insights can then be used for personal development and as a basis for own actions and action plans.
Insights make it easier and more motivating for employees to work on the right areas, towards common goals.
Smart Segments allow you to send out targeted questions to new hires or to a specific age group.
You can choose from a variety of attributes to customize the survey, while still keeping the employee completely anonymous.
Many organisations are striving for self-leadership in order to develop an agile and engaging culture. However, implementing self-leadership can often be challenging, and effectively following up on it can be even trickier.
Through Individual Actions, employees have the opportunity to create their own actionplans for improvements and monitor their progress. It serves as a valuable means of documenting the initiatives taken by employees and can be utilized as discussion points in future follow-up sessions.
By using Heat Map analysis, you can easily see which areas have low engagement and focus your attention there.
The data collated will quickly show you if an area needs more effort or not, so you can take action immediately to ensure that you support your teams in the best way possible.
As a manager, it's important to dedicate time together with your employees to reflect, provide constructive feedback, and discuss your employee's job satisfaction and ambitions.
That's where Milestones will help you! Whether you prefer to create your own templates or use the ready-made ones, milestones facilitate productive conversations.
By inviting employees and allowing both the manager and employee to prepare in advance with notes and evaluations, the meeting becomes more effective. Moreover, the meeting notes will be conveniently saved within the platform, ensuring easy access whenever needed.
From individual feedback sessions to group exercises, you've already put a lot of improvements in place. But how do you know if they're having the right impact?
The Trend Diagram allows you to see which direction you're heading and understand the impact your initiatives are having over time.
It is important to have continuous 1:1 conversations with employees to work on personal development, your goals, and to strengthen the relationship with the employee.
These conversations are best when they are structured and well planned. In Winningtemp, you can schedule your 1:1 directly in the tool and both parties can prepare notes that are then displayed once the meeting has started.
All information is saved in the platform so you can easily go back and follow up from previous meetings.
Asking the same questions to employees scattered in different countries, working on different tasks or where there are major cultural differences is not always easy. With Multiple Surveys, we've focused on making it easier for you as a company to ask the right questions, to the right people, at the right time.
Using our Multiple Survey option, you now have the opportunity to send tailored, standard surveys that are always relevant to the different teams that you have within your organisation. The result? Employee feedback that's unique to your business.
Bullying and discrimination in the workplace is a serious issue that can have lasting effects on an employee's psychological health. However, it’s even more damaging when managers aren't alerted quickly enough to help them out.
Our Bullying and Discrimination alerts identify these situations and promptly alert managers so they can act quickly.
With Anonymous Conversations, your employees are able to offer you honest feedback on what's going well and where there may be room for improvement.
It also gives them the opportunity to express their thoughts in an open manner without fear of being judged, creating a safe space where everyone's voice is heard.
Showing recognition is an essential part of any healthy workplace culture.
With Praise, employees can thank and show appreciation to their colleagues directly within the platform. This makes it easy to create a positive, uplifting environment where everyone feels valued.
Praise is the perfect way to make every day a good day.
Multi Factor Authentication is a layered approach to securing data and applications where a system requires a user to present a combination of two or more credentials to verify a user's identity for login.
This will reduce the risk of login attacks and mitigate the security vulnerability for password breaches.
With the Check-in feature, you can quickly and easily get feedback from all of your employees. By logging in with a personal code, they can easily respond to your surveys.
This makes it easier for everyone to have a voice and contribute to the temperature of your organisation.
Get a true picture of the well-being of your organisation by improving the response rate. Accessibility and simplicity are key - our integration with Slack makes it simple.
Employees receive a notification with a link directly in Slack and the survey is just a click away.
Sharing the temperature results of your organisation or team creates a transparent and open working environment.
By activating our Widget feature, you can easily make the temperature available to all employees, so they can understand the health of their organisation and where Leaders are looking to improve.
Choose the categories you want to display and the size of the Widget, then add it to your intranet, reception display or website.
Stay connected and engaged with Winningtemp on the go! Our mobile app, available for both iOS and Android, makes it easy to stay involved wherever you are.
With the app, you can quickly answer surveys, receive important notifications, write and reply to comments, and give or receive praise—all from your phone. Whether you're at your desk or on the move, the Winningtemp app ensures you never miss a moment to share your thoughts and celebrate your colleagues.