Senab Eikeland Monitors Employee Engagement Across Companies

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Senab Eikeland Monitors Employee Engagement Across Companies

Geographic Distance Was a Challenge

Lindis Solhaug is the HR manager at Senab Eikeland. She explains that it was previously difficult for the head office to gain sufficient insight into the challenges faced by the different companies. The fact that the seven companies are spread out made it challenging to quickly and efficiently identify any issues.

Geographic distance between departments and companies can make it difficult for HR managers to stay updated.

Lindis Solhaug had previous experience with annual employee surveys. It was hard to catch any problems, and it was difficult to act quickly enough. She found that such surveys alone were insufficient. It was simply challenging to get an overview of well-being and any issues in the different companies quickly enough.

Senab Eikeland is today Norway's leading furniture supplier to offices, schools, kindergartens, healthcare, offshore, and public environments. The group consists of eight limited companies. They have a total of 14 offices located throughout the country, with the head office in Stavanger. With multiple companies and departments, it is not a given that the flow of information in a group is always smooth.

The group is responsible for all seven companies, which daily work with sustainable delivery, service, design, and assembly of furniture. So, how can insight into employee engagement and well-being be achieved when there is a long distance between departments?

With the help of Winningtemp, Senab Eikeland was able to ensure that all employees are seen and heard.

A Simple System Ensured Better Insight

One day, Senab Eikeland decided to use Winningtemp, a platform for measuring employee engagement. With the help of the platform, organizations can easily create a culture where all employees feel seen and heard.

According to Solhaug, Winningtemp significantly simplified the workday:

"Winningtemp provided better insight into how things were at the different offices. It offered closeness to the daily manager in the different companies, and it made it easier to work on employee well-being. I feel that we get much better presence with the employees. There is also a lower threshold for speaking up. You can report every week. It doesn't have to be a big issue to be reported. Standardized responses that the daily manager can input create more engagement."

Anonymous Responses Provide Insight into Actual Well-being

If you want to get an overview of employee well-being, regular pulse surveys with Winningtemp are a good solution. The advantage of the platform is that you can collect anonymous responses, ensuring an unvarnished view of well-being levels.

The HR manager at Senab Eikeland also sees the benefit of anonymity ensuring the protection of personal data: "Anonymous responses ensure we comply with GDPR. You are also not exposed when giving feedback. It gives us a good overview of how we are doing as an organization and whether different places need more help than others."

By regularly measuring the temperature within the group, it is easy to see whether the measures implemented are having an effect or not.

Showing Where the Shoe Pinches

Like most companies and groups, Senab Eikeland experiences that results fluctuate from time to time.

"The goal has been to stay at 8, and that's where we are now. It's nice that the platform shows the results in the different companies. The results will always vary depending on the situation. Winningtemp should show where the shoe pinches."

She finds it useful that they gain insight into exactly which areas may need improvement and that the platform uses artificial intelligence. If you respond negatively to something one week, the category will be triggered in the coming weeks – so the trend can be easily followed.

"The categories are very interesting. Do we need more challenges at work? Are there problems in management? A lot comes out in the categories."

Overview Across the Group's Departments

The platform makes it easy for groups and large companies to take the temperature in each department. The results from the measurements can also be reported to other parts of the group.

Senab Eikeland's HR manager usually reports the measurement results to the management group in the companies and to those in the group. This includes response rate, overall well-being, autonomy, aspects of management, work situation, etc. In this way, they get the necessary overview across the group.

"It's very convenient to be able to divide the companies into groups in Winningtemp. Then you can see how they are doing in Bodø, Oslo, etc. If you see a shift, you can address it."

Should there be a shift in the results, it is often desirable to collect comments from the daily manager in the relevant company. This way, it is possible to address any issues before they develop further.

Easy for Employees to Participate in Surveys

The management in the furniture group finds that employees think it is easy to participate in Winningtemp pulse surveys. And this is a prerequisite if you want to collect a sufficient number of responses.

"The employees think Winningtemp is easy to use. You can download an app where you quickly go in and respond with four smiley faces. It's quick and manageable."

At the same time, she points out that the system is very useful and user-friendly for the group's management. Solhaug explains further:

"The managers find it nice to get insight. They can go in and look at a specific time. If they know there has been a change, they can see if it shows in the feedback."

Useful with Smileys and Comments from Employees

Senab Eikeland has found in the last six months that the response rate is 100 in some companies, while it is 80 or 70 in others. This has provided a useful insight into how employees are doing in the different departments, thanks to both comments and smileys.

In the last six months, Senab Eikeland has received 102 comments from employees through their pulse surveys. The HR manager finds this very valuable:

"We are very focused on getting many comments, because it gives us a more nuanced view. You get more out of the comments than the smileys."

Measure the Temperature in Your Company!

Do you, like Senab Eikeland, want to take employee well-being seriously? By using Winningtemp, you get access to a user-friendly and smart platform for measuring employee engagement.

Our goal is to help your HR team gain increased insight into employees' workdays. This way, it becomes easier to take necessary measures in time – even if you have many departments to keep track of.

Order a free demo today and get the insights you need!

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