AddSecure's Driving Success with Employee Well-Being and KPI-Focused Strategies

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 AddSecure's Driving Success with Employee Well-Being and KPI-Focused Strategies

AddSecure is a leading European provider of secure IoT connectivity and end-to-end solutions. Operating in 16 countries across Europe with 1,200 employees, the company is continuously growing. Over the past decade, AddSecure has focused on building an employee culture they can take pride in, and Winningtemp has been a key tool in achieving this.

Prioritizing Employee Well-Being

Liljana Vall, Chief People & Culture Officer at AddSecure, shared that her interest in Winningtemp began even before she joined the company six years ago.

I had just met someone from Winningtemp and liked what I heard, so I planned to suggest it to my new manager at AddSecure. But it turned out the platform was already implemented. It quickly became clear to me that AddSecure has prioritized employee well-being since its founding in 2015. Although the company has had a short time to build its employee culture, the results speak for themselves.

Adopting tools like Winningtemp across an organization can be challenging, but with effective communication, much can be achieved.

We talk about Winningtemp internally to the point where it might seem repetitive. AddSecure uses workshops extensively, traveling globally to engage teams and address negative trends. Winningtemp representatives have also visited to provide inspiring sessions on maximizing the platform's value.

An example of this transformation comes from AddSecure's Poland office.

Initially, employees were hesitant, fearing negative feedback would be poorly received. Through workshops and continuous conversations emphasizing the importance of well-being, perceptions shifted. Today, our Polish office is actually the best at using Winningtemp across all our locations.

Managing a dispersed workforce in 16 countries while maintaining a unified culture is no easy task, especially during rapid growth.

We are on a continuous journey of change and expansion. It’s crucial that our culture is ingrained across all countries and that new employees are introduced to Winningtemp right away. We provide all managers with leadership training, where Winningtemp is a central focus.

Linking Well-Being to Business Results

AddSecure has always utilized KPIs that directly impact the company’s success.

We aim to stay 5% above the industry standard, which we can easily track through Winningtemp’s dashboard. The company selects focus areas—currently personal development and leadership—and adjusts action plans if metrics deviate.

By emphasizing employee well-being from the outset, AddSecure employees have embraced its value.

We send out surveys every two weeks and are increasingly adept at acting on feedback to maintain and strengthen a positive culture. For us, it’s a given that employees who feel good perform better.

Positive Outcomes for AddSecure

After over seven years of using Winningtemp, AddSecure has seen tangible improvements in its employee culture.

Today, we have an excellent way to monitor what’s happening across the organization, which is invaluable given our geographic spread. It helps us establish our culture in every country and address issues as they arise. This enables us to build a company where employees thrive and want to stay.

Winningtemp is deeply embedded in AddSecure’s culture, offering employees an effective platform to voice their opinions.

We receive a lot of feedback through the platform and strive to provide the best possible responses. We are proud of the culture we’ve built and that our employees feel secure and valued.

Are you also interested in improving employee feedback and well-being in your workplace? Book a demo to see how Winningtemp can help your organization!

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With a focus on people

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The Challenge

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Peer-to-peer praise

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Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

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