Epinova sees success attributed to satisfied employees

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Epinova sees success attributed to satisfied employees

Epinova, part of the Nova Consulting Group, is a leader in web and e-commerce. Their success is thanks to employee satisfaction and the culture behind it. While exact numbers can be hard to pinpoint, there's little doubt that satisfaction impacts the bottom line. This is precisely why Winningtemp's temperature measurements and eNPS are so crucial for Epinova.

Winningtemp has been used by Epinova for a long time. In the Nova Consulting Group, of which Epinova is a part, the system is used by several companies. Epinova specializes in web and e-commerce. Account Manager and Group Leader Magnus Vik Lagerberg reports that Epinova has achieved good results through Winningtemp. Their success is attributed to satisfied employees.

How can employee satisfaction be measured?

Nova Consulting Group, consisting of 12 companies, had one common challenge: They needed a system that could measure employee satisfaction more effectively than traditional employee reviews. Epinova, the largest entity in the group, was eager to build a culture that went beyond just development and coding.

They understood that good code and successful projects depended on employees being happy and feeling valued. Traditional employee reviews were no longer sufficient to achieve this goal. This is where Winningtemp came into the picture. Continuous temperature measurements were particularly interesting for Epinova.

Winningtemp was recommended during a leadership course. The system seemed like the perfect solution to achieve more frequent and accurate measurements of the work environment. A thorough and well-planned onboarding of the system was carried out. Winningtemp quickly proved to produce good results for Epinova.

"We wanted a new tool. The goal was to build a culture around being more than just a developer. Good code and projects are based on people being happy. Employee reviews were not enough. Winningtemp had a clever approach with frequent, short surveys."

Continuous temperature measurements became key

Winningtemp's approach, with frequent, short surveys, proved to be a game-changer for Epinova. They started with a demo. It didn't take long before they realized that this was the answer they had been looking for. Winningtemp became a common thread in the organization. The system gave them continuous insight into employees' experiences of the work environment.

It was no longer necessary to wait for annual or semi-annual employee reviews. Magnus Vik Lagerberg, Account Manager and Group Leader at Epinova, points out that while Winningtemp is a valuable tool, it's important to remember that it alone cannot solve issues related to the work environment and employee well-being.

"Personal conversations and other forums where colleagues can meet are still required. Winningtemp functions as a supplement. It provides the organization with continuous temperature measurements that strengthen our understanding of employee well-being."

Anonymity and openness

Epinova has achieved an impressive response rate of between 88 and 92%, thanks to Winningtemp's simple and user-friendly interface. The system sends out short questions where smileys are used as responses. The process also gives employees the opportunity to leave anonymous comments. This provides unique insight into the state of the organization.

Employees feel safe, with the option to share concerns or suggestions anonymously. Weekly, Epinova estimates receiving 2-5 anonymous comments – some with criticism, and some with praise. An important success factor at Epinova has been emphasizing openness and discussion around the results. Winningtemp provides numbers, but it is the trends that are most valuable.

Understanding the context behind the numbers is key to taking targeted actions to improve the work environment. Group leaders play an important role in initiating conversations and following up on employee feedback. This creates a culture where it is acceptable to speak up when things are not going well, which is especially important for those who are struggling.

Results and future prospects

Epinova has always had low turnover. But as they grow and have more employees spread across several offices in Norway, a system like Winningtemp will help them continue to retain their employees and ensure they don't leave.

Employees themselves are more aware of the state of the organization and how they can influence it. This has also likely had a positive impact on the company's bottom line. Satisfied employees are often more productive and less likely to leave a job.

Although some have raised questions about the cost of Winningtemp, Epinova has found that the benefits outweigh the costs. The tool is easy to understand and provides them with a valuable indicator of well-being in the organization. They can immediately see the effects of the measures they implement. Employees can also actively participate in the process of improving the work environment.

New employees are slowly but surely introduced to Winningtemp. Here, Epinova can analyze numbers and trends based on a range of categories: age, gender, experience, and much more. It is especially the trends that Magnus Vik Lagerberg values highly. These can be tracked in real-time, and new employees can also be set as a separate category.

"When new employees arrive, it takes a few months before they get the first questions. Then they have something to base their answers on. Initially, we have 'onboarding' as a category. That way, they become familiar with the system at Epinova."

A culture of openness and well-being

With Winningtemp, Epinova has created a work culture that puts employee well-being at the center. The tool has given them insight into the organization's temperature, which was previously more or less inaccessible through traditional employee reviews. The high response rate and the possibility for anonymous feedback have promoted openness and discussion about the work environment.

Through Winningtemp, Epinova has achieved a better understanding of employee needs and a stronger culture that goes beyond just development and coding. They have proven that investing in employee well-being yields results, both for the employees themselves and for the company as a whole. Winningtemp has proven to be the ideal partner in their journey towards a more satisfying workplace.

Do you also want to make visible how your employees actually feel? Winningtemp offers a range of different modules, including continuous temperature measurement. Do like Epinova and get a handle on the most important numbers and trends in satisfaction. Order a demo with us today for an overview of the system!

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Peer-to-peer praise

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Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

Peer-to-peer praise

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