Excellent employee experience – the true measurement of performance for Sigma

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Excellent employee experience – the true measurement of performance for Sigma

Winningtemp helps Sigma get feedback from the organisation in real-time

Sigma Technology Consulting is at the forefront of people management. They ensure a strong employee experience by combining Winningtemp with the efforts of a People Success Manager whose primary responsibility is to ensure that the company’s leaders are always putting their team members first. Through several measures of incorporating Winningtemp as part of their employee-focused corporate culture, Sigma Technology Consulting stands out in the competition of attracting the industry’s top talents.

Sigma Technology Consulting is a part of the Sigma Group and a global supplier of product information, software development and design of embedded systems, as well as offshore development. At Sigma Technology Consulting, “development” is the watchword, and the employee experience is the main priority. A People Success Manager has the overall responsibility for ensuring that the company’s team leaders have regular employee discussions and encourage employees to align their personal goals with the corporate strategy.

“For us, employee development is very closely related to customer development,” says Daniel Thysell, vice president at Sigma Technology Consulting. “It’s when both are working systematically; we can achieve business impact. That’s how we earn the loyalty of our employees. We have a dedicated People Success Manager because we see our employees as our customers. We want to earn their confidence, so they want to work with us. We are in an industry where people can change jobs in a day if they want. It is in our interest to provide a good and robust holistic experience, and Winningtemp is part of this. “

Daniel Thysell

Why Winningtemp

Sigma Technology Consulting has chosen Winningtemp as its platform to nurture each employee in their career development. But the benefits of using Winningtemp have gone far beyond that.

“One of our taglines is ‘we give you the ability to evolve’, and Winningtemp is a big part of that. We can communicate that we have the platform for it when we recruit,” says Daniel Thysell. “Everyone in the industry claims to do that, but with Winningtemp, we have a platform that many competitors lack. Besides, several of our customers have chosen Winningtemp after we mentioned that we use the tool as part of our offerings to our customers. Taking the team’s well-being seriously is considered to be highly professional, and rightly so. That’s why it’s invaluable to us. “

The company’s wellbeing is the real measure of performance

At Sigma Technology Consulting, the response rate in Winningtemp among employees is typically 85%. Employees are committed to using the platform because it contributes to their own career development.

“Having a healthy workplace is essential, and Winningtemp delivers accurate measurement of performance. We follow up on our financial ROI regularly, but we think it’s equally important to track employee satisfaction and performance data in the same way. The platform provides trends and forecasts in real-time and in a visual format.

When we pay attention to our employees’ needs and motivations, we get better engagement, which leads to innovations for our customers, growth and better career development for our employees. That job has to be done. It is essential to set aside time for this type of analysis, setting requirements and making it part of the corporate culture and reward system. It is otherwise difficult to assert yourself in the competition for talent. We chose Winningtemp because it’s such a fantastic tool for precisely these kinds of things. “

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With a focus on people

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Having a healthy workplace is essential, and Winningtemp delivers accurate measurement of performance. We follow-up on our financial ROI regularly, but we think that it’s equally important to track employee satisfaction and performance data in the same way. The platform provides trends and forecasts in real-time and in a visual format.

The Challenge

The results


Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

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