How GetAccept is Building a Fast-Growing Company with Data-Driven Leadership

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How GetAccept is Building a Fast-Growing Company with Data-Driven Leadership

From Gut Feeling to Data-Driven Decisions

GetAccept is a fast-growing company, having expanded from 30 to 120 employees in just a few years.

“We are growing rapidly, and we have a great vibe in the company,” says Hanna. “The challenge is to grow as quickly as possible while ensuring our employees are happy and maintaining high engagement levels. Our goal is to be the Home for Stars.”

The objectives are ambitious, aiming to reach a score of 9.0 in all nine categories measured by Winningtemp over time. Currently, the company has improved from an overall score of 8.3 to 8.6, with leadership scoring 9.1 and several other areas meeting or approaching the target.

How have these impressive numbers been achieved? By using data, clear leadership, and employee feedback instead of guesswork. As a data-driven organization, GetAccept finds it invaluable to have access to data on how the organization is doing.

“Our managers say that Winningtemp helps them move from gut feeling to concrete data about what they experience in their teams but sometimes can’t pinpoint,” explains Hanna.

This is why GetAccept’s internal initiatives within the People & Culture team are based on data from Winningtemp. This way, real problems flagged by employees are addressed.

For instance, they have focused on leadership and work environment, which have been good topics for discussion in their monthly leadership forums.

“It’s easy to want to improve everything at once, but you end up losing focus. Therefore, we try to identify common focus areas based on data from Winningtemp. One current area for improvement is the ‘work environment.’ To address this, we have implemented a preventative online therapy initiative and organized ‘Lunch & Learn’ sessions on resilience. These initiatives stem from Winningtemp data,” says Hanna.

Continuous work with the results enables good outcomes

GetAccept invests heavily in developing its leaders, believing it to be a cornerstone for employee well-being.

Winningtemp as a leadership tool is introduced during onboarding for new managers. Many managers have thus received strong support in creating robust leadership in a relatively short time.

“For example, we had a new manager with no previous leadership experience who really absorbed all the information about leadership, worked extensively with Winningtemp, and closely engaged with their team. This manager has truly excelled in their Winningtemp results! It’s particularly exciting as this is a manager we recruited internally,” says Hanna.

Regularly working with the results, ideally once a month, is important, but the exact format is up to the managers to decide based on what’s best for their teams.

“Managers review the results once a month, and we also have an OKR check-in. But all teams and managers are different. Some address the results weekly, while for others, larger quarterly workshops work better,” says Hanna.

So, what do you do if the numbers start to decline? Hanna explains:

“If you see the results changing, it’s easy to panic as a manager. But the important thing is to first discuss the results with the team instead of trying to solve everything alone. If the team owns the engagement results, it doesn’t create an ‘us vs. them’ feeling. Instead, you work together as a team, where everyone is responsible and involved.”

Hanna also encourages leaders with success stories and celebrates managers when results improve. This way, it’s not as shocking if there’s a dip. To ensure organizational goals are met, they discuss them in leadership forums and management meetings.

“We review the results in management meetings. We aim to achieve a score of 9.0, so we evaluate everything on a quarterly and annual basis.”

Listening to Employees Builds Trust

GetAccept places high value on listening to employees to strengthen trust and relationships between them and the leaders.

“Winningtemp is an anonymous tool, which means we get very honest responses. The comments provide a lot of information that complements the numbers,” says Hanna.

For example, at one point, the factor “personal development” started trending downwards. Thanks to these insights, the company focused on this issue and looked for ways to improve. One measure was to invest more in internal recruitment, which has yielded results. 30% of employees, most of whom started in 2019, have changed roles within the organization.

GetAccept also has an unusually high response rate—93%. Hanna explains how they achieved this and what other organizations can do to reach similar results:

“It’s important to discuss the results within the organization, ensuring that management and the CEO understand the value and that follow-up happens not just once a year, but regularly, every week.

You need to have an ongoing dialogue with your employees, pick up on signals, create a team spirit, and act accordingly. The value lies in the direct feedback you get from employees.

With Winningtemp, you get concrete, measurable proof of how your organization is doing. It becomes very transparent and strengthens internal relationships, which in turn builds trust,” concludes Hanna.

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