Zeekr strengthens employee engagement with a data-driven approach

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Zeekr strengthens employee engagement with a data-driven approach

Nowadays, at, Zeekr it takes about eight seconds for employees to share their thoughts and experiences about the workplace. Consequently, this impacts their working conditions both at the individual level and for the entire organisation. By being data-driven and proactive with the well-being of employees, management gains a comprehensive picture of the company's leadership capacity, stress, and engagement levels. A task that previously took several months for Zeekr to measure and compile is now carried out directly in Winningtemp.

Zeekr, is a technical innovation centre in Gothenburg working on delivering technology to several well-known car brands such as Geely, Volvo, Lynk & Co, and Lotus. Approximately 2000 people presently work at CEVT. The company was looking for a modern tool to replace the traditional employee surveys, and they quickly chose Winningtemp.

"We thought Winningtemp sounded exciting because the platform is based on research and AI, thus compiling automated analyses," says Dennis Heltorp, project director for GROW at Zeekr. "That's something we haven't seen before."

Insights that led to concrete actions

With Winningtemp, Zeekr gained access to real-time, data-driven insights and analytics regarding employee engagement and satisfaction. These crucial insights led to concrete actions being taken for the employees to improve their working condition and increase their engagement.

"We noticed that a team recorded a significantly low score regarding their work condition, which necessarily points towards dissatisfaction. This gave Winningtemp a reasonable basis for advising their supervisors to help them out by allocating additional resources." We were able to get an action plan in place, and within a few weeks, you could clearly see a surge in the scale for 'working conditions' category. You could also see that the temperature measurement for the 'leadership' category rose. "

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Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

Peer-to-peer praise

Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.

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