“It’s very easy for leadership teams to think their employees should just be grateful to have their jobs in today’s business environment. But, no – it doesn’t work like that. Employees want to feel they have a purpose, they belong and that their employer is grateful for them. Winningtemp has lifted the veil for us at Montcalm to understand what our employees want and how we can take action to make it happen. We’re no longer guessing what our people strategies should look like. We now have the data and power to truly put our employees first, creating a more inclusive culture that reflects the values of our business and employees.” – Jo-mandi Templeton, Head of Talent & Culture, The Montcalm London Hotels
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Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Donec sed odio dui. Nullam id dolor id nibh ultricies vehicula ut id elit. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper. Curabitur blandit tempus porttitor.
Cras justo odio, dapibus ac facilisis in, egestas eget quam. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Maecenas faucibus mollis interdum.
Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Nullam quis risus eget urna mollis ornare vel eu leo. Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue.
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The Montcalm London Hotels consists of 22 hotels and a new, award-winning, wellness focused sub-brand, Inhabit Hotels, that’s taken the world of sustainable hospitality by storm. Inhabit Hotels is proud to announce B-Corp™ Certification for Inhabit, Southwick Street, and is one of the first London based hotels to achieve this positive marker, with the certification marking Inhabit Hotels’ dedication to guests, employees, social enterprises and the environment.
But the company – like many others – struggled to figure out what the post-pandemic, skills-shortage world looked like. With 60% of The Montcalm London Hotels' employees customer-facing, people are the businesses most important asset. The luxury hotel group knew it needed to find a way to consistently put its employees first and give them a voice to stand a chance of weathering an uncertain future.
Yet, with The Montcalm London Hotels spread-out across the city, being in the right place at the right time to hear from employees proved challenging. The company decided it needed to create a safe space for everyone to share their honest thoughts – whenever they wanted to. But it also knew it needed data to get the full picture and understand employee sentiment across the whole business. Montcalm decided to launch Winningtemp to put its people at the top of every agenda, prioritising employee wellbeing above all else and create sustainable strategies that actually work for those they serve.
Build trust with employee-tailored surveys
Asking employees the same questions week-in, week-out gets repetitive. It also suggests the person receiving the feedback isn’t paying attention to what’s being shared. With Winningtemp’s AI-driven platform, relevant questions sent to employees based on their previous responses – building trust and enabling The Montcalm London Hotels to make sure it’s asking the right questions, at the right time. This has helped to promote the company’s culture by creating a sustainable space for people to share openly and honestly, while also knowing they’ll be heard – resulting in their eNPS score increasing by 13%, from +16 to +29.
Data that makes a difference
Winningtemp’s user-friendly platform generates accessible data for The Montcalm London Hotels to quickly act on employee feedback – making informed decisions and policy changes, while also providing insight to support wellbeing and employee-first initiatives. Turning feedback into action, The Montcalm London Hotels raised awareness of its employee benefits with a new benefit programme and launched more workshops around mental health in response to employee requests. And, with a chunk of its employee base being a younger demographic – plus, Gen Z employees continuing to enter the workforce – the company can take the guess work out and build effective strategies for its people.
No desk, no problem
Like many companies in hospitality, The Montcalm London Hotels has a large number of employees that don’t sit behind a desk. From housekeeping to reception or working in the restaurant, these people are front-and-centre when it comes to keeping guests happy. They have first-hand experience of what’s working (and what’s not), so it was vital the company could find a way to get their feedback on the go. Winningtemp’s app functionality means every employee can quickly share thoughts on their mobile device – creating a broader, more-inclusive understanding for Montcalm of exactly what employees are thinking.
“From a visual perspective, the platform’s engaging and user-friendly and its surveys are quick and easy for employees to respond to. But the real highlight is the data-driven research that’s behind the questions – they’re not generic, like your typical annual survey. Everyday machine learning informs the questions which is what makes this platform so unique. At The Montcalm London Hotels, people come first. And, with Winningtemp, we can reflect this by creating a bespoke journey for every employee, building trust, drive purpose and belonging and promoting our culture. This enables us to ensure we listen to our people, live through our values, promote human-centric leadership as it takes the assumptions out of the equation.” – Jo-mandi Templeton, Head of Talent & Culture, The Montcalm London Hotels
Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.
Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.
Send praise to whomever, whenever — with award badges you can customise according to your company values.