Press Release

Insight to Action: Empowering Your Teams Mental Health Journey with Winningtemp and Braive

Hannah Wigren
Date Published:
April 16, 2024
Insight to Action: Empowering Your Teams Mental Health Journey with Winningtemp and Braive

The team success platform, Winningtemp, partners with mental health treatment platform, Braive, with the goal to further improve employees’ well-being and create high-performing teams around the globe.

Winningtemp’s AI-powered survey engine collects anonymous feedback about employees’ work situation and well-being and transforms the data into relevant insights helping leaders to drive change, decrease stress levels and employee turnover. While Winningtemp discovers organisational and team challenges and suggest science-based actions for increasing engagement in a professional setting, Braive offers employees the opportunity to strengthen their mental health care with individualised self-care treatments for challenges such as anxiety and stress.

“We’re very excited to partner with Braive and extend our offering; Winningtemp works as tool to detect employees’ wants, needs, and challenges before they escalate into absenteeism, sick leave, or turnover, while Braive helps employees to quickly get the right help to improve their mental health. We believe that this partnership will add great value to our customers, allowing them to proactively become more sustainable as an organisation”, says Jacob Österberg, VP Corporate Development at Winningtemp.  

Braive is based on over 20 years of research and developed by psychologists. The programs consist of 3-12 modules, and can easily be accessible through an app.  

“Braive empowers every individual to improve their mental well-being and tackle the challenges in their everyday life. With our tool, the Mental Health Check, we help people to map their challenges and match them with a program tailored to their needs”,says Hermine Bonde Jahren, CEO and founder of Braive. 

The partnership between Winningtemp and Braive is avaliable on April 17, and is offered as an add-on service in any of Winningtemp’s pricing plans.  

Curious to find out more? Contact us. 


About Braive

Braive was founded in 2015 with the vision that digital tools will revolutionise the availability, quality, and outcomes of mental health treatments in the future. Braive’s development is fuelled by cutting-edgy technology and driven by current research and partnerships with Department of Computer Science at KTH and Department of Psychology at the University of Olso.

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About Winningtemp

The team success platform, Winningtemp, creates winning teams and healthy organisations by listening to employees and empowering leaders with relevant insights and actions leading to clear, measurable results.​

Created together with leading research scientists at Gothenburg University in Sweden, the cutting-edge solution is based on science, fuelled by data, and driven by AI. Winningtemp helps organisations across the globe make smart, proactive decisions to boost teams' engagement, and decrease stress levels and employee turnover.​

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