Press Release

Winningtemp, the AI driven Employee Engagement Platform, reaches profitability and enhances senior leadership team

Hannah Wigren
Date Published:
December 4, 2023
Winningtemp, the AI driven Employee Engagement Platform, reaches profitability and enhances senior leadership team

Gothenburg 04-12-2023 – The employee engagement platform, Winningtemp, is setting the platform for the next stage of its remarkable journey, after a strong financial year and building a high-quality senior management team. The SaaS (Software as a Service) company offers leaders relevant insights through their best-in-class software platform and generates actions with clear measurable results.  

The highly regarded Swedish scale-up star business has matured and reached profitability, despite a difficult economic climate. It is now well positioned thanks to an improved product vision and a 3-year strategy. To build further on its success to date is an experienced and highly skilled management team of Carl Axell, Fredrik Holmgren, Kristofer Hillhammar and Sara Holmberg, two of whom have joined in 2023.  

Carl Axell, CEO, has a strong CFO and operational background leading large teams in several international organizations, and has for the last two years transformed Winningtemp’s EBIT-level profitability.  

Fredrik Holmgren, CRO, has led international sales functions at blue chip companies such as Salesforce’s Tableau, where he has been instrumental in maturing go-to-market strategies and driving high performance.    

Kristofer Hillhammar, CPO/CTO, has extensive B2B SaaS leadership experience across product, technology and operations.  

Sara Holmberg, Head of HR, is a well-known spokesperson for both Winningtemp and on wide ranging HR themes after over 10 years’ experience at PWC.    

In reaching profitability co-founders Pierre Lindmark and Mathias Hansson Fredlund have reached a significant milestone. Winningtemp was founded on a simple yet powerful idea – to create successful organizations with the help of science and intuitive data. With the leadership team in place the business is now ready to scale across Europe, enabling the founders to move back from day-to-day operations and focus on their board roles as major shareholders.  

“Mathias and I came up with the idea of Winningtemp ten years ago and we have managed to build a successful company with an important mission - to forever change how people and organizations succeed together. After consistently achieving strong profitability during the year, setting a solid strategy backed by our investors and employees, and bringing in a top tier team we feel confident the success will continue for Winningtemp”, says Pierre Lindmark.  

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  • Nulla vitae elit libero, a pharetra augue. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.
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About Winningtemp

The employee engagement platform, Winningtemp, creates high-performing teams and sustainable organizations by listening to employees, and providing leaders with relevant insights and actions with clear measurable results.  

Created together with leading research scientists at Gothenburg University in Sweden, the cutting-edge solution is based on science, fueled by data, and driven by AI. Winningtemp today helps over 1500 customers globally to make smart, proactive decisions to boost teams' engagement, and lower stress levels and employee turnover.

Interested in Winningtemp?

If you want to learn more about how Winningtemp can help you improve your employee engagement, why not have a look at our tool in action?