Press Release

PwC and Winningtemp Form Strategic Partnership to Address Business Challenges

Jacob Österberg
Date Published:
August 15, 2024
PwC and Winningtemp Form Strategic Partnership to Address Business Challenges

The research-based and AI-driven team success platform, Winningtemp, is entering a strategic partnership with PwC. The goal is to help more clients find solutions to their business challenges.

PwC has long been a driving force for significant changes in both the business world and society, focusing on skill development and adaptability. PwC's insights in these areas create the conditions necessary for their clients to succeed in transformation efforts while ensuring the right employee focus.

Winningtemp's report, "Handbook for Team Success," emphasizes the importance of courageous leadership. Courageous leadership fosters an environment where team members feel supported, empowered, and inspired to overcome challenges. This is also a major focus for PwC.

“We are experiencing an increased pace of change, which means more organizations need to dare to think differently with a focus on change management and leadership. This can be challenging, but data from Winningtemp, which provides an understanding of how employees feel and perceive the change process, lays a good foundation for finding the right solutions moving forward,” says Jessica Carragher Wallner, Head of People & Organization at PwC.

Winningtemp allows you to monitor how your employees are doing in real time. Managing this alone can be a big task, and this is where our partnership with PwC comes into play.

Winningtemp is excited to offer workshops with PwC, where you can get practical help with specific challenges in your company based on Winningtemp's results. Some of the available workshops include:

1. Why work with data-driven employee development?

• What are our goals? How do we work with data, and what opportunities do we have for further development?

2. How do we best implement Winningtemp?

• What conditions should be in place for effective implementation?

3. How do we interpret the results and recognize trends?

• How do we identify areas in the organization that need attention?

4. The results show a need for action, but what can and should we do?

This partnership is unique as it combines the latest technology with the expertise of PwC specialists, creating a community of problem-solvers who are with you every step of the way!

About PwC Sweden

PwC Sweden is a market leader in consulting and auditing, with over 3,000 employees across the country. Our purpose is to build trust in society and solve important problems, and our values permeate everything we do. PwC Sweden is an independent and autonomous legal entity that is part of the global PwC network with 364,000 employees in 151 countries.

Want to know more about PwC? Visit us at or LinkedIn.

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About Winningtemp

The team success platform, Winningtemp, creates winning teams and healthy organisations by listening to employees and empowering leaders with relevant insights and actions leading to clear, measurable results.

Created together with leading research scientists at Gothenburg University in Sweden, the cutting-edge solution is based on science, fuelled by data, and driven by AI. Winningtemp helps organisations across the globe make smart, proactive decisions to boost teams' engagement, and decrease stress levels and employee turnover.

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If you want to learn more about how Winningtemp can help you improve your employee engagement, why not have a look at our tool in action?