Lena Silver HSB Norr

With Winningtemp, you can create employee engagement that makes a difference – and Lena Silver is a prime example of how it’s done. She listened to her team, figured out what they needed, and turned challenges into success.

Tiimien voimaannuttaminen missä tahansa

Ohjattujen lämpötilatapaamisten avulla esimiehet voivat seurata ja seurata tiiminsä lämpötiloja säännöllisesti - osoittaen, että he todella välittävät tiiminsä palautteesta ja hyvinvoinnista.Tarvitaan vain yksi näyttö johtajalle ja työntekijöiden pääsy tietokoneiden tai matkapuhelimien kautta. Täydellinen kokoonpano osittain tai kokonaan etäisille tiimeille.

A tribute to inclusive and courageous leadership

Through her transformative and empathetic leadership, Lena has created the conditions for the entire Customer and Membership Service team at HSB to grow and develop together. By introducing temperature meetings, she paved the way for difficult, yet necessary, conversations that strengthened both openness and engagement within the group.

With the support of Winningtemp, Lena has created a work environment characterized by inclusion and participation, where the results speak for themselves:

Temperature: +77% | Leadership: +81% | Job Satisfaction: +66% | Work Situation: +67%

Lena’s efforts are a perfect example of how courage and the right tools can make a difference. Her commitment and drive make her a unquestionable winner!

Kuuntele tuotetiimiämme

Eager to learn how Lena turned obstacles into opportunities? We were too! We spoke with Lena to uncover her strategies, the tangible results, and the insights that made a real difference – boosting both team engagement and job satisfaction.